Yesterday ,The front page of 'The Guardian' , one of our most respectd newspapers , was taken by a story about 'The British National Party'(BNP).This is a political party which according to most other political parties and commentators , is a fascist party with an ideology not far off from The National Socialists of Germany themselves.... Well the BNP would dispute this and maintain that it is a legitimate democratic party like any other. The front page article discusses the 'Turmoil' caused by the selection of a candidate by the name of Sharif Abdel Gawad, to represent the party in the approaching local elections next month.Although according to the party's leadereship this gentleman is a 'totally assimilated Greek-Armenian' , the grass root members of the party were not impressed . According to the article, the BNP websites were jammed with messages and postings demanding that this 'ethnic' as he was referred to , had no place in a party run by true British people for British People .
Well what does this mean ? the BNP is becoming more 'modernised' and inclusive that even an'ethnic' can take part , become totally assimilated and identify with the 'indegenous' people and join in their campaign of self preservation and actively keep out the new wave of settlers who like Mr Awad's own descedents came to Britain for a better life? Or does it mean that the leadership is out of touch with the 'purity' of the political party's ethos? Well I could not find much reference to the outrage caused by this 'ethnic' being selected when I visited what looked like an official BNP website: Maybe I didn't look hard enough or was on the wrong web site. Or could it be possible that the BNP have yet again been misrepresented by what many call the 'left wing media'?
Russia ,far away in Russia, there are parallels. That vast country which many historians would not argue , had lost possibly the greatest number of lives fighting against the belligerent Nazi regime of the mid nineteen forties. A Moscow correspondent of the same newspaper reports a fatal shooting of an African student in St Petersburgh from the barrel of a shotgun on which a swastika had been emblazoned.This was the fourth such killing of a member of an ethnic minority within a week . Eye witnesses stated that Lamzar Samba, 28, from Senegal, a student of communications was shot in the back of the neck whilst leaving a night club with a group of friends.The murders have been attributed to the rise of extreme right wing groups and gangs of ''Skinheaded' thugs.
So what is it with these 'ethnics' as they are often referred to by certain 'non ethnics'? I am an 'ethnic' , I guess the majority of the population of North
and south America has its roots and history in a far away place if ancestory is traced. Same could be said of Australia , New Zealand and so on. Have the Russians always been in Russia , are they somehow purer tha the rest of us ? I am sure too ,that they are the result of mass migrations of people from other lands. Let's face it we are all ethnics!
Look at England which is the largest ,most populated part of Britain also seen by many as synonymous with the word Britain .The Angles , Saxons, Jutes and other peoples that made England , had come from Europe in approximately the year 400 a.d . The Romans had even got there before That , and when these Angles (who gave their name to England) , Saxons ,Jutes and others got to England there were already other people in this land .People that had arrived in this land even before the Romans . These were the Celts and even they were a group that was found all over Europe .So there are more of us than you ......... and this Greek -Armenian who wants to campaign for the BNP could benefit by studying his own history and seeing the racist cruelty of persecution his ancestors may have suffered under the country which gave us the Ottoman Empire , because of ideologies that promote the idea that there is a pure race which is some how supererior.
Or maybe this is not all about ethnicity but the fact that local people of whatever racial background , after seeing that strangers coming into their country appear to receive welfare benefits , housing etc faster and better than they do?
If this is the case then the major political parties should be discussing some of these issues more honestly and acknowledge that the poor and disenfranchised will be
recruited and told that the 'ethnics' are to blame for all the ills of the present day.
Let's blame the Jews, the Africans, Greek-Armenians , the Muslims (regardless of
wether these are an ethnic group or members of a religion ).Lets just blame.....
This is the dangerous ground that seems to be gradually filled by the mostly white
seprematists in our midst. Both the Russians and british fought the Nazis .Yet sometimes people forget what an evil regime 'National Socialism' was.
And meanwhile Lamzar Samba another victim of racism in the country that sacrificed
so much. Yet the mindless , but organised thugs that perpetrate such crimes would argue , and I have heard this many times my self in England: 'My grandfather fought the war for us ,yet people like these foreigners come here and do this that and the other'. Not many of these indignant descendents of soldiers who sacrificed themselves for our future recognise that during both major world wars 'ethnics ' were there at the front too. Sometimes taken from far away lands to fight for the 'empire'.
Do we ever learn from history ?Is history totally subjective? Or is it just a sad fact that in human beings, there is some sort of xenophobia, tribalism or racism that is pumped by our hearts and flows in our arteries thus poisoning our brains ?