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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Boar war

According to a report I heard last night on the radio ,there was an incident somewhere in France yesterday where a wild boar apparently attacked Christmas shoppers. It found itself inside a shop and charged at everyone in sight . I didn't hear of any death or injury of any people caused by the military manouevre of the tusked creature, but the mayhem and chaos it created must have been quite awful .

There was one death though ; that of an animal .The panic provoking pig was eventually shot down and killed 'In in a hail of bullets '.

It happened in Poitiers , a town in western France, inside a clothes shop .Customers and staff were evacuated whilst the 90 kilo (198 lb) beast chased armed police officers who pumped more than thirty or so bullets inside it before it eventually fell.

No one seems to know how the animal found itself in the store .According to Forest officials it must have roamed away from a country-bordering area where some boars were being relocated to their natural habitat .

The Wild boar or Sus scrofa is quite a powerful omnivorous creature . It has been native to central Europe and especially the Mediterranean countries for thousands of years .The male of the species has teeth or tusks that can grow up to twenty or so centimetres (around ten inches ) .If cornered it can defend itself quite effectively against humans . The female might have smaller teeth but she is known to put up a very stiff resistance if her young are interfered with.

Recently wild boars have been reintroduced to Britain and because of the demand for their meat , there are farms which breed and rear them under special enclosed conditions.

I don't know if this Porcine Prowler of Poitiers was such a boar that had escaped. But what was reported suggests that they live in the wilds out there . I'm not sure if in this country , our local boars are allowed this freedom ,but do know that some have been released or 'liberated' by animal liberation activists in the past .

So this seemingly ,disorientated ,terrorist swine could have just lost its way . Must have been confused and even scared.... And what does it do ? it goes on the rampage.

I guess if I were there and it charged in my direction , I suppose I would have been grateful for the gun toting Gendarmes for saving my skin . Yet somehow
looking at it from another point of view, I can't help sympathising with the pig .
Lost , dazed and confused it falls into the hands of the dreaded human pack ,who being very unforgiving ,will destroy the inadvertent urban guerrilla with impunity.

Billions, yes literally billions of its brothers lined up passively in slaughter houses after several months of incessant torture in the 'factory farms' would be cheering if they could rationalise about their plight . They would be cheering their heroic brother who stood up and fought the enemy bravely, only to be ultimately shot down by their cowardly and immoral overlords. Many would even queue up to volunteer like four legged Jihadis , to have died in his place with a bang ...

Yet the Porcine Spartacus spectacular cliche is nonsense .Many so called 'animal lovers ' tend to over humanise or 'walt Disnify' the whole truth .The boar appears to be a wild creature , that seems to have some predatory instincts and its 'brothers' in the 'holocaust' like farms cannot sit down and plan a Marxist revolt .

But still , is not that the reason why so many so called 'fanatics' do all sorts of cazy things in defence of these animals? The very fact that having half a brain can help one human deduce that when a pig's skin is pinched :'ouch!' it hurts like it hurts us? , and because it appears to be true that they can't speak for themselves , cannot organise themselves or make any collective protest ,
someone must?.

I would hate to have anything to do with humans if I were a stray boar .Moreover I would try to do away with myself immediately, if I were one of its less fortunate and less ferocious ,incarcerated brothers .