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Monday, April 03, 2006

News, Local and Distant

Elections ,near and far , I received my official poll card a few days ago . These are our so called :'local' elections due on Thursday 4th May.One can vote in their choice of councillor.The victorious party when eventually in power decides
(_according to the accompanying leaflet): 'The AMOUNT of council tax every housholder must pay ' or ' WHEN the bins will be collected'. Real political science and democracy in action!

In Thailand where unfortunately things are not as 'democratic 'as here , people are forced to vote . the elections were held yesterday due to growing unrest , precipitated by lack of confidence in the policies of its current ruler, Thaksin Shinawatra. Apparently, although forced to vote, the public does have an option on the ballot paper of stating ; 'none of the above' and thererby abstaining .It appears that the majority of the electorate , to his shock and horror has chosen this option. Time will tell if the ruler will impose himself upon the populace by using another vile tactic.

The Democratic Republic of Congo has also recently held elections overnnight . A country which has had a savage war in the recent past in which millions have died with next to nothing in news coverage given in faraway lands. It's amazing , but I am always suspect of a state that feels the need to include the Words : 'democratic ' or 'peoples' in its title. The Congo has been 'democratic' for so many years,yet these are the first 'proper' elections to be held according to the BBC.

Well, I hope these people in Thailand and Congo achieve the democracy they deserve where the people can take control of their everyday lives and not be dictated to by others .

I will be following my Thai brothers and sisters and be adding a special box to tick on my ballot paper for:'none of the above' .