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Monday, October 30, 2006

Stern message about climate

There has been lots reported on all the media stations about the 'Stern Report' .
This individual who is an economist by trade has released a lengthy document warning us all about severe climate change if we don't all change our ways now.
The economist who is a 'Sir'and a highly renowned government spokesman made comments on how climate change , if we do not control emmision of green house gases, will damage the economy by 20% .
There were all sorts of dramatic and alarmist predictions spun off this report by the usual media pundits.
Devious cynical,politicians also quckly threw their tuppence worth in and were echoed on various TV stations chanting : 'Green Tax !' this ,apparently the answer often reached by our rulers. If something is being over used e.g cars, aeroplane journeys ,(Which politicians use more than the average man in the street), then tax it and it will go away .
Everything has to be so punitive , like punishihng naughty children .
Coming back to climate change . All of a sudden it is real and is with us because a member of the establishment has said so .
When organisations such as 'friends of the Earth' or other independent minds warned years ago , there would be a wise answer from ruling elite to dismiss all this . Yet now it is legitimised , not only that but we have to pay.
Why didn't these leaders impose limits on industries who were making quick profits with no thought of tomorrow? Still today why doesn't the government chastise water comapanies for example who waste more than a third of the water supply which they do not own by the way?
Why , to give a very simple example do beer companies not recycle beer bottles and give incentives to the puiblic by reward rather than punishnent : by giving a small deposit on an empty ? Why indeed doesn't the government force the companies to do so? Because they are part of the same oligarchy which serves the interests of a few.

You See there were various ways we could have at least slowed down this disaster. Also there could have been ways the government could have acknowledged its reality earlier on rather than avoid the issue then discuss it like an asteroid coming to hit us today .

And of course the punishment of it all! ...For example on a smaller scale , there was discussion on the main propaganda stations about teen drinkers. teenagers are binge drinking and endangering their health etc etc. The politicians then of course found a good solution , which was to increase taxation on alcoholic drinks !
How innovative , clever and effective !
So people prepare yourselves for more punishment by this oligarchy. Prepare yourselves for taxes that are : green.
Prepare ;yourselves for the repeat of the same old , same old punishment , which of course does not reach the privileged. But take heart that this punitive tax will be Green .