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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Neo Dictatorship

There is no doubt that we are being dictated to in this country , which prides itself on freedom of speech and democracy. Yet although these high ideals , once associated with this great country once meant something , The mainstream political process has become devoid of any meaning and the plethora of authorities which preside over our daily lives have become increasingly more oppressive .

This type of Neo Dictatorship is very unlike the Brand of Hitler , Mussolini or even Stalin established in the last century , all of which ruled by violently devouring all opposition and maintaining power by instilling fear in their subjects and physically punishing or killing them if they stepped out of line.

No. That model of dictatorship although much more cruel and destructive , by definition was destined to fail at one point . The brand which seems to be spreading in most modern so called ' liberal democracies ' is outwardly more benign, pretentiously 'caring ' and 'progressive ' yet very insidious and all powerful . sometimes spreading its policies by manufacturing consent by subtle deception . One does not need to give examples , the current war this country is entangled in speaks for itself. This brand of Neo Dictatorship is spreading its tentacles by the day and changing the way we live by the minute. The alarming thing is that many of us are unaware of this happening and that most of us have not chosen to elect this ruling political party !

The mainstream political parties on the whole in this country have little difference in opinion or policy whether this is home or foreign policy . To be fair to the liberal party though , they did object to the invasion ,and the botched up failed conquering of Iraq.Yet does this party belong to the mainstream ? Although one of the most important political parties of this country's history , the Liberal party is effectively a fringe party , with due respect to genuine Liberals .

The number of eligible voters who have turned out for the past few general elections has been quite small .

In the 2001 General Election, Labour won 62% of the seats with 40.7% of the vote. Taking into account those who did not vote, that meant 24.2% of people eligible to vote, voted Labour in 2001.

In 2005 Tony Blwar's (misspelling intentional ) New Labour party won again despite the fact that only 21% of the 44 million electors supported his party - a record low in British electoral history.

Now given that we have a government whom only 21% of the eligible voters voted for , a figure which I am informed is lower than the percentage who did not bother to vote let alone the figure that voted for other parties . One can only conclude that we are governed by a group of usurpers that 79% or the majority of us are either passionately against ,indifferent to, or totally oblivious of! Yet this ruling party which some say has given away our sovereignty to two other bigger entities namely USA running foreign and military affairs , European Union controlling home affairs. If that is the case why do we have so many rulers in parliament when they are not wanted in the first place ? And apart from the hot air they puke in parliament and on TV Screens their job is a foregone conclusion predetermined by the real powers mentioned .

Yet in reality even if it is only a rubber- stamping or administrative , propaganda and law enforcement power they wield , by the Gods they wield it with impunity !

Now having established that we are living in an oligarchy( a word often misused by the current media to denote a group of wealthy Russian gangsters , but really means government over the many by the few), This oligarchic satrapy consists of various layers including local mini-dictatorships called councils . To these councils the main ruling party bestows various powers : for example to punish mostly law abiding individuals who have perhaps exceeded 30 miles per hour in their car on occasion ,or have dropped litter .

The councils have been given increasing powers to punish individuals and raise revenue for various of their pet projects .
Recently ,according to the forthcoming total ban on smoking cigarettes, the general ruling party has ordered all businesses and other establishments to display NO SMOKING!signs everywhere , there will be fines if this is not done .

Imagine a business man .(sorry!or woman ):although most know I am using generic terms here , the 'thought police ' of this regime may well indeed pick me up on that and accuse me of Chauvenism although they don't know me . I will continue , A business man on his own premises : say for example a publican who smokes himself and employs staff that smoke ,are aware of the dangers , and also informs the public that this is for people who don't mind the smoky environment . If this publican ,after 1st July 2007 ,when the law is enforced , is seen allowing a worker or customer to smoke ,he will be fined . So whatever your views on smoking , this is quite scary .

The very early prohibitive policies that Adolf Hitler introduced in NAZI Germany were in relation to banning smoking in public places .......So whatever your views on smoking , remember,whatever your favourite vice ,obsession or peculiar ,personal freedom is, respect that others have their own ,and fight for all to be accommodated , because next....:They may come for you !

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