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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

'Celebrity 'child

Whata day ! hated being at work today .I have resorted to clock watching ; one of my favourite past times when I'm unhappy at work . Most jobs I have had in mental health nursing have been challenging, sometimes over bearing but also periodically rewarding. This number is a sinking ship with staff turning over before they can even jump off! A culture of bullying and a holier than thou attitude from above .

The highest of the pecking order almost act like celebrities ..
What is it with these so called 'celebrities '? 'Madonna adopts child from Malawi'.
The child's biological mother according to the press died at child birth . The father is still alive but cannot afford to keep the boy ,who is called by the Goddess herself David .

There were snippets of film on the 'news' stations showing the celestial body herself swirlng around in 'spiritual harmony ' with a local African woman : how basic ? how down to earth and primeval 'In sharing this dance the Goddess demonstrates as she deigns to shuffle hips and breasts opposite her host ,that
through dance we are all the same '.Yes!she is only a simple person herself really .

Now did Madonna really want to help the poor people of Malawi live a better life?
Did she really want to satisfy her motherly instincts ?
Or did she want to fuel her starhood with hydrogen and helium in order to shine brighter amongst a fast growing galaxy of equally shallow peers.
Or did she simply want to acquire a plaything which she could observe inherit her magical , superhumnan qualities and become a newly born star and be able to observe him as she grows old and say to the world :'I created David'.

I really don't know , but let's say the child was adopted because

1)She wanted 'to do good 'Well this one is a non starter for beings of her status and material wealth can do much more 'good' by digging into their pockets and donating appropriately to the community in Malawi and encourage some activity or service which sustains itself and benefits the community . In short she could have given the father enough of a start in life to at least enable him to bring up his own child.
2)I cannot believe she wanted to adopt this child so much because of her motherly insincts , for there was a report that David arrived in London airport this morning
in the arms of a 'nanny ' . So quick was the bond that the Madonna already has got the dog's body in . And what ever happened to Madonna's biological child .? Does she meet up with him/her ?
3)Okay let's go for the publicity . Maybe she didn't really want so much publicity any way? Yet I am sure she enjoys seeing the clip with the 'Malawi dance'again and again ........'what about new album?....African theme...........'You can see the ageing red giant of a burnt out 'star' already reincarnate into a bright white dwarf!
4) Plaything ? well she's probably played around with more than us mere mortals can dream of , but the Gods get easily bored you know. That's why they occasionally come down to Earth .

Well the working day ended . I heard on the radio that there is a project for as many members of the public as possible to be encouraged to write a single day of blog on a sight called 'history matters .com'Must investigate.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Hi Antisthenese,

    Agree with all your Madonna comments but am more interested in your final para on the HistoryMatters.org project. I hope you contributed!?

    I’d like to invite you to take a look at a new website called “Map My London” which has just been launched by The Museum of London: (www.mapmylondon.com).

    Map My London hopes to revolutionise the way the history of the city is gathered and displayed. It would be great if you could take a look at the site and see if you would be interested in getting involved with uploading your impressions and memories of the capital, to help us create an emotional memory bank.

    You will be able to upload your experiences about the city onto the Map My London site under headings including “Love and Loss”, “Beauty and Horror” and “Fate and Coincidence”.

    The site will support contributions in the form of text, digital photographs, video clips and sound recordings and the best thing is that you will be able to have a link directly to your own personal map to put onto your blog.
    If this is something that you think that you’d like to get involved with, please visit www.mapmylondon.com.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the website - even though you're not London based!

    Well done on the cool blog – I’ve got it bookmarked, so you might see some more comments from me in the future ;)

    Kind regards
    Rax, Museum of London
