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Friday, October 27, 2006

Run Away !

I remember years ago , my favourite comedy team: Monty Python's Flying Circus'.
Sometime in the early seventies if I'm not mistaken . It was totally out of this world,the first time I saw it . It was a mixture of surrealism , absurd humour and pure anarchy. It used to be introduced thus : 'And now for something completely different: It's Monty Python's ........' Superb comedy I watched it when I was a teenager .Well ,after the Monty Python team eventually disbanded , each went their own ways and made their own niche somewhere, John Cleese being possibly the most successful. Others became very obscure .One of my favourites was Eric Idle. Nowhere to be seen ......suddenly I hear he has produced or directed a west end stage show : 'Spamelot' ,I wish him luck ,maybe I should go and see this ?.
So as the original Monty Python show ended some major films were produced by the team , the most popular possibly being 'The life of Brian ' a spoof on Christianity , or more likely society's response to a religious figure. Other films were also produced .
I can't rember which film it was but there was one where the noble knights or renowned warriors were heard every time a confrontation with enemy occurred , to say : 'Run away !' as they retreated , I found that hilarious and so honest !

Well our government in America and its department in Britain have decide to 'RUN AWAY !' from the war in Iraq. After years of repeating the mantra; 'Our brave boys will stay in Iraq until the job is done !'(they have forgotten what the job was ) .
Well now it's 'Runaway!' time , just like Monty Python. Yes the bumbling clowns in charge of this miserable project to 'liberate ' Iraq are now even blaming the victims and I hear statements from our U.S government and its local branch in Britain saying things like : 'It's time the Iraqi 'government ' started to take more responisibility so that we can leave them to it.'
'RUN AWAY!' It's official our brave boys are to be instructed to start running. Of course it will not be expressed this way by our devious , obsequious politiciians. But it's amazing how this disasterous operation is ending in tears. Too many of our soldiers are dying . This is the reason . I believe that at least ninety Americans were killed in the last month . That's what hurts, public opinion starts to affect the leaders' opinion. But when Iraqis were and are still dying at a rate of a thousand to one or more that doesn't matter , didn't matter.......they are successfully transformed by media pundits and sly politicians into what John Pilger calls 'Non people ' .
Run away ! Sadly it has the ingredients of a Monty Python master piece .
Cause a bloody mess , destroy millions of lives of many nationalities , waste of human resources and wealth that could have been used for a better cause ....then have the the audacity to :


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